Thursday 12 December 2019

3 Things to do Urgently When You Notice Hair Loss

If you are losing hair, your first step should be to find out the cause of it. Do not panic and hurriedly bring home those much-hyped shampoos labeled as “hair loss” in glitzy commercials.


…most of the products marketed as hair loss focus on baldness. Ironically, women do not go bald. Men do. So, the products are targeted towards male pattern baldness. There is a term called female pattern baldness, but it is not exactly baldness because women hardly go bald.
According to hair experts, if you are a female, you must use hair loss products designed especially for thinning hair in women.


You must know why you are losing hair. In many cases, DHT is the reason. This male androgen can annoyingly meddle in the functioning of follicles. This leads to hair loss. Females also have a certain amount of male hormones in them, so they, too, suffer from DHT-induced hair loss.
Advanced trichology DHT blocker has found to be amazingly effective in treating this kind of hair loss.

The blocker does not just block DHT; it also strengthens the immune system and provides other nutrients needed for healthy growth of hair.

Please consult a doctor before taking any kind of supplement. They will prescribe it depending on your current health condition.


While you perform the required treatment for hair loss, you must take extra care of your hair. They are weak at this time.

So, avoid the following things:
Handling hair harshly, say, detangling them through strong strokes or jerks
Rubbing hair rigorously with a towel for drying
Using harsh, sulfate-laden shampoos
Performing too many salon treatments like bleaching, coloring, perming, and others
Being lax about your diet and lifestyle
Letting worries and stresses of life take over you

Reasons for hair fall in female are many. Once you start avoiding the above things, you will see a difference in your hair.